Brockham Angling Society
Terms & Conditions

General Rules

1. This Association shall be called “Brockham Angling Society” (BAS) having its Headquarters in Brockham, Surrey.
2. The object of the Society is the preservation of the Club waters in and near Brockham for the purposes of angling for sport only .
3. The Society shall consist of a limited number of Members to be decided at the AGM. Members will be made up of Brockham residents/ex-residents and outsiders at the discretion of the Committee. Membership records will be maintained by the Membership Secretary.
4. The business of the Society shall be conducted by a Chairman, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Minutes Secretary, Treasurer, Competition Secretary*, Junior Secretary** and a Committee of seven Members, any two of these Officers to be Junior Organisers**. Five of these Officers form a quorum.
5. The Junior Organisers and the Junior Secretary shall be responsible for the organization of Junior events. No other Members may be involved unless by specific request. The Organisers need only apply for full Committee sanction when expenditure or the rights of Senior Members are involved.*
6. The Officers, Committee and Bailiff(s) will be elected at the AGM. Committee meetings will normally be held on the first Tuesday of each month or by order of the Secretary.
7. The annual subscription shall be determined at the AGM/EGM. All subscriptions must be paid to the Membership Secretary on or before the 1st June. Late or non-payment will automatically forfeit Membership. Ex-members will be need to re-apply and will be required to pay the membership and joining fee in force at the time.
8. All applications for Membership will be placed before the Committee for their consideration.
9. Juniors members are aged 8 to 17 years inclusive and become Senior Members in the calendar year where their 18th Birthday falls on or before 1st June.
10. Juniors under 16 years of age are permitted to fish the river at the 'Orchard' and the 'Triangle' areas only. Junior’s Rules are also in force for the Coach Road Pond as laid out in “Pond Rules” below.
11. Junior Members under 16 years of age may only fish the Harefield water on organised competitions. This rule cannot be altered under any circumstances without reference to the riparian owner.
12. No Member shall leave any gate unfastened or do or permit any damage to fences, trees, crops or wildlife of any description and wherever possible shall keep close to the river bank. Nor shall they take any Dog or Gun on to the property leased or owned by the Society. Dog(s) may only be taken on waters by official Bailiffs.
13. Playing of music or audio devices, leaving of litter, bathing, camping, lighting of fires and cutting of banks or trees are strictly forbidden unless on an officially sanctioned Working Party by the Committee. No Member shall leave discarded fishing line or hooks in the water or on the property.
14. Each Member shall be responsible for their own swim.
*(applies only when a there is an active Competition programme), **(applies only when a there is an active Junior section)
15. All fish caught in or out of competitions shall be returned to the water with the exceptions of small numbers of Minnow or Gudgeon for Pike Fishing - see Rule 27 (f)
16. Harefield and Sewer Works waters may only be entered via the lane running parallel to Harefield House (except for organized events). On no account may Members enter the venue by negotiating the perimeter fence in the Borough or by the Borough Bridge Gate.
17. ln the case of Brockham Court Farm (Court Lodge) water car parking facility:
a) Grumpy Mole/Inn on the Green (Farm side) – Road leading to the pub no parking is allowed beyond the pub
b) Mill Lane (Orchard side) Parking restrictions as advised.
18. The Bowling Green section will be open for organised events only.
19. All Club waters (Pond and River) will be closed from the 15th March to 15th June inclusive. The Pond may be kept open in the “closed” season at the discretion of the Committee and with agreement at the AGM.
20. All Members shall produce their Membership card when requested by any Member producing their own card, Elected Bailiffs, Landlords or any person in authority.
21. Club waters in use for competitions will be closed all day to non-competitors until the final audible signal. This rule applies to both Senior and Junior competitions.*
22. None of these rules shall be altered or amended or added to without the sanction of a majority at the AGM or EGM or a special General Meeting convened for that purpose. Notice to be given in writing to the Secretary by the 15th February of any proposed change in rule(s).
23. All nets to comply with the Environment Agency rules.
24. Only one single hook per rod to be used except for special pike gear.
25. ln the event of an angler leaving their swim for any reason the hook and line must be withdrawn from the water and hook unbaited.
26. A recent Passport sized Photograph shall be submitted with the issue of new membership cards.
27. Pike Fishing tackle must conform to the following standards
a) Minimum fishing line breaking strain of 10 Ibs.
b) Wire traces must be used and be a minimum of 12" long
c) Hooks must be a maximum of 2 semi-barbless trebles only
d) An appropriate size Landing Net and unhooking Mat must be used.
e) Unhooking Forceps of an appropriate size must be used.
f) Only Gudgeon or Minnows may be used as live bait - Strictly no other fish species may be used.
28. Any Member being a witness to an infringement of any of these rules, or the rights and liberties of the Society must be reported to the Committee, who will be empowered to take action as deemed appropriate up to and including a lifetime ban.
1. Intending competitors shall notify the Competition Secretary by 9.00pm on the Friday preceding the competition.
2. All fish may be weighed in regardless of size with the exception of Pike, unless on an organized Pike Match
3. Only 1 rod and single hook to be used at any one time during competition with the exception of Pike Matches
4. No spinning ; live Bait ; Dead Bait or Lures may be used except in Pike Matches
5. Competitors may not break the surface of the water until the starting signal with the exception of plumbing the depth and carefully lowering keep nets into the water.
6. Wading into the water is strictly forbidden.
7. In the event of the competitor changing their swim all tackle must be moved from the swim they are vacating. If there is no rod in position that swim shall be deemed to be vacant.
8. Competitors may fish downstream only from their designated peg to the next downstream competitor. Any upstream fishing shall be with the consent of the adjoining upstream competitor. Under no circumstances must the peg be moved.
9. Draws for competitions will take place three quarters of an hour before the start. The start signal will be an audible sound. In "Walk-Off' competitions the competitors will move off in drawn sequence and no competitor may pass another until the preceding competitor has chosen their swim. The competitor may select a swim that has already been passed by their predecessor.
10. Under no circumstances will competitors be allowed to "pool" fish when weighing in.
11. All fish must be hooked, played and landed by the competing angler.
12. The Christmas competition and other matches at the Match Secretary's discretion will be dawn as a peg down and at the audible start sound the competitor may move to any other vacant swim and the competition will then be deemed to be a “Rover”
13. Members wishing to fish the Christmas competition will only qualify if they have fished two Matches listed on the Fixture list.
14. Stewards appointed for a Match will be responsible for weighing in and the Competition Secretary shall be responsible for the pegging and recording of final results. Weigh in will be at pegs. Any complaints must be referred to a steward or the Competition Secretary who will make a decision which will be final.
15. Eleven points will be awarded to the winner of each competition, ten points for second, etc. plus one point for entering. Every competitor will receive one point for entering whether they weigh in or not. All Matches will count towards championship points including away venue competitions listed on the Fixture list, excluding the pond knockout Matches.
16. Junior competitions will be held throughout the season. Points are to be awarded to determine Championship. Advice and help may be given to Juniors when in difficulty only by permission of the organiser.
17. Any breach of these rules will disqualify the Member from the competition. A major breach or unsportsmanlike conduct may result in termination of membership at the discretion of the Committee.


1. No more-than twelve Club Members may fish at any one time other than competitions and no more than 2 members are allowed in any swim at the same time.
2. Juniors members must be aged 14 years or over to fish the Pond unaccompanied.
3. Junior members under 14 years old may only fish the Coach Road Pond when accompanied at all times by either a parent, guardian or grandparent who is a current BAS member and on completion of the BAS form entitled ‘Responsibility and Care of Junior Members when Fishing the Coach Road Pond’ (available from the Membership Secretary).
4. Junior members under 14 years old must fish the same swim as parent, guardian or grandparent. All other rules apply as laid down in the Membership Card and Rule Book.
5. The Trustees reserve the right to cancel the above arrangement for Junior members if they believe that their responsibility for members fishing the Pond is put at risk.
6. Keep nets' are only allowed in official competitions. These must be Carp friendly.
7. No cereal based ground-bait and limited loose feeding only. All surplus bait to be taken away.
8. Entrance to the pond will be by the right bank gate only and not through the adjacent fields.
9. Fishing of the pond for full Club Members only. No visitors or Day Tickets.
10. Members must leave the pond and banks in a clean and tidy condition.
11. Access to swims by paths only and fishing only from recognised swims.
12. The pond is deep. No wading, paddling or swimming.
13. No night fishing allowed. Dawn to dusk only.
14. The Committee reserves the right to close the pond at any time.
15. Each Member may use one rod only.
16. Barbless hooks only.
17. All nets must be dipped into the tanks when tanks are in use.
18. The gate must be re-Iocked and the combination turned after entering or leaving the pond.
19. The lock number is confidential and must not be given to any other party.
20. A suitable Unhooking Mat must be in your possession and used if required.
21. Rods must be attended at all times when lines or hooks are in or touching the water.
22. If a Member leaves the Pond all tackle shall be removed from the swim and the swim will then be deemed to be vacant.